Our Services

The Crane County Rural Health Clinic which provides healthcare services to the community from the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday is just next door to the hospital. The Clinic and the Hospital work in cooperation with each other to provide excellent medical services to the community. The clinic also hosts specialty clinic services for cardiology, administered by independent providers.
As A National Health Service Corps Site, We Promise to:
Serve all patientsOffer discounted fees for patients who qualify
Not deny services based on a person's: Race, Disability, Color, Religion, National origin, Inability to pay, Sex, Sexual Origin, Gender identity
Accept insurance, Including: Medicaid, Medicare, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Servir a todos los pacientes
Ofrecer costos reducidos a los pacientes que califican
No negarle servicios a los personas debido a su: Raza, Incapacidad, Color, Religion, Sexo, Orientacion sexual, Origen nacional, incapacidad pard pagar, Identildad de genero
Aceptar seguros de salud, incluyendo: Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP (Programa de Seguro Medico para Ninos)

Go to Link below for National Health Services Corps
Crane Memorial Hospital and Crane County Rural Health Clinic provides:
Friendly Service
Personalized Care
25 Bed Critical Access Hospital
3 Bed Emergency Room
Modern Medical Technology
High Nurse To Patient Ratio
Laparoscopic Surgery
General Surgery
24 Hour Emergency Room
CT Scan
Physical Therapy
Surgical Consults
Ambulance - Service Provided By Crane County Fire Department/EMS Service
Accepts Medicare/Medicaid And Various Health Plans
Open To All And Welcomes Walk-ins
Accredited by Medicare and Healthcare Facilities
BioTE Hormone Replacement Pellets Go To BioTE Site for Information
Price Transparency
Disclaimer:Thank you for your interest in Hospital Pricing information. Please note that the Information provided is an estimate, not a quote. Projections contained in the Information are based on a number of assumptions as to third-party negotiated prices and historical rates. There is no specific or implied guarantee concerning the accuracy of these estimated prices to the specifics of your healthcare needs. that any estimated prices. Pricing information is periodically re-evaluated and updated and is subject to change without notice. By accepting and continuing to the pricing tool you are acknowledging that these estimates might not be applicable to your specific situation.
Test Pricing List

Physical Therapy Clinic
Our Goal here at Crane Memorial Physical Therapy is to provide quality patient care to local residence and surrounding communities. We pride ourselves on being able to offer services that include state of the art equipment within a facility specifically designed to deliver superior rehabilitative treatment.
Hydrotrack Technology
Licensed clinicians experienced with implementing aquatic exercise
Strength Training
Body mechanics/Lift training
Aquatic Therapy
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Modalities-heat, icing, ultrasound, lumbar/cervical mechanical traction
Massage Therapy/Soft Tissue Mobilization
Licensed and Registered Massage Therapist
Sports Medicine
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Gait Training
Price Transparency
Disclaimer:Thank you for your interest in Hospital Pricing information. Please note that the Information provided is an estimate, not a quote. Projections contained in the Information are based on a number of assumptions as to third-party negotiated prices and historical rates. There is no specific or implied guarantee concerning the accuracy of these estimated prices to the specifics of your healthcare needs. that any estimated prices. Pricing information is periodically re-evaluated and updated and is subject to change without notice. By accepting and continuing to the pricing tool you are acknowledging that these estimates might not be applicable to your specific situation.
Test Pricing List